DJ Khaled Rents Stadium for Asahd’s 2nd Birthday, Turns it Into a Carnival

Asahd, the cute little son of American rapper DJ Khaled has been given an experience that will follow him for the rest of his life. DJ Khaled spared no expense to give his son a splendid birth. He rented a stadium – a record for an artiste; a record for a father.
He rented Marlins Park (a baseball stadium) in Miami for Asahd’s second birthday on Saturday 13 October. Besides the birthday, which also saw the launch of Asahd’s Initiative, a programme to help kids worldwide, there were games, carnival rides and a fashion show for Asahd Khaled Brand Jordan Collection

This may well give us an idea about the depth of DJ Khaled’s love for his son. Other token of DJ Kahled’s love are there and not hidden. He loves to take Asahd around with him; the tot has even appeared in the covers of some of DJ Khaled’s songs, including “No Brainer,” featuring Chance The Rapper, Quavo and Justin Bieber.

It is apparent DJ Khaled is grooming his son to take to the music scene as well. And he is doing this excellently. Asahd is being given the care, love and security that make great youth. One of these days, the world is going to hear about Asahd the rapper – or DJ Asahd. Either way, Asahd wins. It would be a triumph shared by his father.
Watch the video below: