
Sarkodie Says He Sometimes Forgets Lyrics of His Songs

Sarkodie Says He Sometimes Forgets Lyrics of His Songs

Legendary Ghanaian rapper, Sarkodie has revealed that he sometimes forgets the lyrics of his songs while performing and has to rely on the memory of fans to get him through it.

Speaking during an interview on Hitz’s Daybreak show where he touched on a lot of issues like his Rapperholic concert, the talented artiste said he sometimes goes with songs that are short and that he remembers well or listen again before going for shows.

In his words: “Yea, I always forget. I always forget because it’s a lot. So what helps me to remember are the ones that really hits; so then I can’t run away from it because even if I’m not performing, Andy will play it so I’ll always keep hearing it, so those ones, I can’t miss it and the fans know the songs already so its easier for me… They’re some songs if I don’t hear it back to back, it’s hard for me to perform it. And then the worst thing an artiste can do is to think while performing. The moment you think, it can interfere and you’ll just miss it.”

Sarkodie who was recently the subject of a diss on Twitter from Shatta Wale with whom he ironically collaborated on “MVP” in December last year did not touch on the issue and instead chose to talk about his Rapperholic event and how he hopes to make it better in the coming year.

What do you think about Sarkodie‘s recent revelation? Drop your comments.

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