
Henry Knight Accuses Peter Okoye Of Song Theft


It’s a season of controversies in the industry and right now, the controversy challenge has landed at the doorstep of Peter Okoye, known as Mr. P, the other hand of the now defunct music duo, Psquare.

On Tuesday, May 7, 2018, the artist was called out by an upcoming artist, Henry Knight on Instagram for lifting portions of his song without giving him credit.

Mr. P who split up with his twin and longtime collaborator in a messy breakup had on May 4th released a single titled “Ebeano” which is now the subject of controversy.

According to Henry Knight, a song with the same title as Mr. P’s newly released single had been released by him in August 2015, but Mr. P copied the hook of the song without giving him credit or paying him any royalties.

The artist has said he is not out for drama but wants justice to be done because he made that song at a time when he had nothing.

With this latest controversy on song theft, coupled with the call out of Tekno by the “Danfo Driver” crooners, it remains to be seen if relevant regulatory bodies in Nigeria will step in to make the laws clear and ensure that cases like these don’t happen again.

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