Tanzanian rapper Mwana Fa tests positive for Corona virus (Video)

Mwana FA, who is known for popular hits in Tanzania including “Yalaiti” and “Bado Nipo Nipo”, becomes the latest African musician to test positive for coronavirus.
Award winning rapper Khamisi Mwinjuma, Popularly known as Mwana FA has come clear to set the air free by confirming he had tested positive for corona virus. The singer came out clear to tell educate the mass through his social media telling and requesting them to follow all the requirements they are asked by the relevant authorities to observe. He say mainly self-hygiene must be the first priority.
The Tanzania rapper was went ahead to put out on his Instagram page and showing how he adhered to the authorities and decided to quarantine himself. In a video he shared we can clearly see himself isolated but in an undisclosed location. This was after he came from South Africa after he had some symptoms which were exactly as those said to be caused by the virus. He went on to get a test and it was here where he was found positive. He say he agreed to isolate self in order to prevent infecting others.
“I am recording this video not to spread panic but to tell the public that coronavirus is real but it is treatable.” He added that, “My call is that we should observe the hygiene guidelines as issued by the authorities so that we protect one another.”
He then went on to write a caption below the video which said.
Majibu ya vipimo vyangu vya Covid 19 yamerudi chanya. Inaudhi. Siumwi KABISA. Nipo sawa 100%. Na nimejitenga toka niliporudi ili kuepuka kuathiri wengine. Na kwa bahati hata watoto wangu sijakutana nao kabisa. Hawapo nyumbani.
Nawaomba tu tuchukue tahadhari kwa kadri ya uwezo wetu kukwepa usitupate na hata tukipatwa nao sio tatizo la kivile hata,virusi wake wanaondoka wenyewe baada ya siku kadhaa tu. So yah,sisi wa nchi hizi tulioandamwa na migonjwa mikubwa mikubwa katika kukua kwetu,haya ‘mafua’ wala sio kitu cha kututisha. ITAKUWA TU SAWA. Tuweni na amani tu mioyoni.
This past Wednesday, legendary Cameroonian musician Manu Dibango, was confirmed to be in recovery after having tested positive for coronavirus. The 86-year-old saxophonist is considered one of the foremost pioneers of Afro-jazz, known for his fusion of funk with traditional Cameroonian sounds.
The global number of confirmed coronavirus cases currently stands at approximately 255 000 with over 10 000 deaths. At least 33 African countries have all confirmed the presence of coronavirus with a reported 16 deaths. Travel restrictions have also been implemented by a number of African countries in an effort to contain the outbreak